
2022-09-30 07:17

Bank credit is a conditional commitment to pay to open a written document, whether in developed or developing countries, international trade settlement by letter of credit are accounted for a large proportion. Characterized by the letter of credit in three ways:
(1) independence.
(2) letter of credit transaction is the subject matter of documents. (3) bank credit. Letter of credit with high reliability, but in real life, due to the unique nature of the letter of credit, usually for a number of unscrupulous traders of counterfeit fraud objective Shang will give the letter of credit there are a number of risks.
The letter of credit is a written document opened by the bank that underwrites conditionally. Either in developed countries or as developing countries, it figures largely in the proportion to settle accounts for international trade with the letter of credit. The features of the letter of credit find expression in three aspects: (1) dependability, (2) only giving the receipt as the subject matter of the credit trading, (3) the bank providing credit.
The settlement accounts with the letter of credit have superior security. In the real world, some law-breaking merchants usually make use of its particular characteristic to personate or utilize for their swindling. As an objective result, there is a chain of risks for settling accounts with the letter of credit.
Bank credit is a conditional commitment to open a written document for payment, whether in developed or developing countries, international trade settlement by letter of credit are accounted for a large proportion. Letters of credit characterized in three aspects: (1) independence. (2) letter of credit transaction is the subject matter of documents. (3) bank credits. Letter of credit with high reliability, but in real life, due to the unique nature of the letter of credit, often use a number of unscrupulous traders of counterfeit fraud, the objective to make the letter of credit on there are a number of risks.
Bank to open letters of credit is a conditional commitment to a written document of payment, whether in developed or developing countries, international trade settlement by letter of credit are accounted for a large proportion. 信用證的特點表現(xiàn)在三方面:(1)獨立性。 Characterized by the letter of credit in three ways: (1) independence. (2)信用證交易的標的物是單據(jù)。 (2) letter of credit transaction is the subject matter of documents. (3)銀行提供信用。 (3) bank credit. 信用證結算具有較高的可靠性,但是在現(xiàn)實生活中,由于信用證獨特的性質,常為一些不法商人假冒行騙利用,客觀上就使信用證結算也存在著一系列的風險。 Letter of credit with high reliability, but in real life, due to the unique nature of the letter of credit, often use a number of unscrupulous traders of counterfeit fraud, the objective to make the letter of credit on there are a number of risks。

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